NCAN’s 20th Anniversary ‘Celebration of Life Gala’ The Sterling 345 Hicksville Rd, Bethpage, NY

I was honored to intervew the Honnorees and Founder Maryann Wahmann at NCAN’s 20th Anniversary ‘Celebration of Life Gala’ at The Sterling 345 Hicksville Rd, Bethpage, NY
The NET Cancer community has adopted the zebra as their mascot, and international symbol. This because in the medical community the term zebra is universally used to reference a rare disease or condition
With NCAN’s 20th anniversary gala om Saturday, 11/11, many inspirational people and physicians have collaborated in the fight against neuroendocrine cancer. Each year since 2011 the ‘Above and Beyond’ Award has been given to one or two of them, people who exhibited incredible compassion, advocacy and impact in the NET community. Here is a list of the fantastic individuals who have won NCAN's 'Above and Beyond' Award:
2022- Dr. Mary Maluccio
2021- Dr. Aman Chauhan
2021- Pam Gaytan
2019- Dr. Lowell Anthony
2018- Katie Adams
2018- Dr. Steven Libutti
2017- Dr. Eric Liu
2017- Shana Stanley
2016- Dr. Edward Wolin
2015- Dr. Hal Gerstein
2014- Dr. Edda Panzani
2014- Dr. Thomas O'Dorisio
2013- Jennifer Zensen
2012- Mildred Kowalski
2011- Dr. Eugene Woltering
This year a new award NCAN presented The first Thomas O'Dorisio Award for NET Leadership! The event celebrate three finalist Dr.Mary Maluccio,Dr. Lowell Anthony, Dr. Aman Chauhan!.
The winner was Dr James Howe! Along with the award there was an $10,000 grant towards reseach.
Their independent committee members had a very hard time to go through their 16 nominees!
Congratulations to all the finalist and to Dr James Howe!
Here's to another 20 years of working together to make sure that no one fights alone!
The Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network (NCAN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of Neuroendocrine Cancer, providing support for caregivers and people with NETs, and funding for NET cancer research. Since 2003, it has been our mission, or as we like to say, our passion, to educate and support the NET community as a whole. That’s our thing.
NET cancer is an acronym for Neuroendocrine tumor. NET, or NETs, is an umbrella term for a group of unusual, often slow-growing cancers, which arise from neuroendocrine cells found throughout the body. For years this group of cancers was identified as a specific disease called carcinoid. This term is slowly being replaced in medical literature by the term NETs.
NET Cancer is listed with the National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD). It has received low priority for medical research because of its rarity and lack of public awareness. That’s why we are out there, spreading the word, and doing as much as we can to bring NETs to the forefront.
However, NETs are not as rare as once thought. More than 12,000 new patients are diagnosed each year and as many as 125,000 patients are living in the US today. And the number of diagnoses is increasing by more than 5% annually.
The most common sites for NETs to occur are in the digestive system, lung, and pancreas. But they can also occur in many other parts of the body. The place where a NET first appears is called the primary site. However, the NET may spread to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes, liver, or bones. If this happens your doctor may refer to the NET as a secondary tumor or metastasis.
NETs can have a number of different effects on the body. Some NETs produce abnormally large amounts of hormones and peptides that can cause a related syndrome, such as carcinoid syndrome. This means that the products that are secreted cause noticeable symptoms that vary, depending on the location and biological properties. Oftentimes, the symptoms are similar to other, more common conditions. The most common NET symptoms are abdominal pain, flushing, diarrhea, wheezing, bloating, heart palpitations, edema, skin rash and heartburn.
It’s not unusual for NETs to be overlooked during the diagnostic process. In fact, many patients go untreated for years because they have been told they have another disease with similar symptoms. However, if the tumors are found early and you get proper treatment, you may live a long life.
For more information please visit https://www.netcancerawareness.org/what-is-net-cancer/
Keep watching Cognac's Corner Magazine for the very best in Philanthropy and charity events in Manhattan, Long Island and the Hamptons.
Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane

On October 23, 2023 Little Shelter celebrated with the 13th Annual Masquerade Ball at the Westbury Manor in Westbury, New York.
Guests gathered on Monday, October 23rd to support the homeless dogs and cats on Long Island while conjuring together for an enchanted evening of fun as supporters enjoyed a cocktail hour, dinner, dancing, best costume and raffles as well as the anticipated charity ball hosted be Little Shelter. The Masquerade Ball is one of Little Shelter's largest fundraisers of the year honoring Anna and Raven from the Morning Show.
Allproceeds from the event will go directly to benefit the animals of Little Shelter.
Little Shelter's Story
“To build a future, you have to know the past.” Before the ribbon cutting ceremony on Humane Sunday, April 27th, 1927, a visionary named Anna Hunninghouse dreamed of a place where homeless cats and dogs could be safe and taken care of until they were adopted. Namely, a little shelter from a seemingly uncaring world.
When Mrs. Hunninghouse took up residence in Huntington, NY, this animal advocate was dismayed to discover the inhumane conditions the unwanted and often abandoned cats and dogs endured and immediately began her campaign to promote change and awareness within the community. At the time, Suffolk County didn’t have a Humane Society and the concept of spaying or neutering pets to prevent overpopulation was a foreign one. Most people didn’t realize the deplorable situation of “animal control” that currently existed at the hand of a one-armed dog catcher who, for nine dollars each, rounded up stray dogs, chained them onto his own property, then summarily “disposed” of them after a waiting period of five days. Outraged by the indifference of town officials and the community as a whole, Mrs. Hunninghouse began to expose the atrocities that these animals suffered via letters to the local media and her frequent and vocal protests at Town Board meetings, garnering the reputation as a slightly “crazy” newcomer.
Mrs. Hunninghouse found a much needed ally in Mrs. Nellie May of Brooklyn, who had recently purchased a summer bungalow in the Huntington area. A noted humane worker herself, Mrs. May became involved when she took up the plight of a colony of cats living off the garbage from the local hotels. When they were demolished to build modern stores, the starving cats were forced to roam the streets looking for food. When Mrs. May tried to enlist the help of the town to capture and relocate the cats to a safe area, she was advised to talk to the “dog and cat” lady. The two animal advocates met, collaborated, and soon the idea of the “Little Shelter” was born. Unfortunately, Mrs. May became discouraged when her appeals for donations to start a trust fund for the shelter went unanswered and she abandoned the project, returning to Brooklyn.
Not to be dissuaded, Mrs. Hunninghouse was convinced that the effort could succeed, declaring “With the pennies and dimes from the animal lovers of this town, we will build a refuge that will be a credit to the community.” Fundraising events such as card parties, cake sales, children’s plays, and concerts added to the growing funds. After two years, $300 had been raised, though that amount was still short of what was needed to purchase land and build a shelter. However, on Christmas Day in 1928, several checks fortuitously arrived, donated by generous benefactors who had been watching Anna’s efforts with interest. Construction began on December 9, 1929 and the following spring, the doors of Little Shelter were finally opened, welcoming the “voiceless ones” and beginning the legacy of changing the lives of animals in need.
The first year, on a budget of $1000, Little Shelter handled 600 animals. By 1944, over 12,000 cats and dogs came in and out of the shelter at a cost of $16,000. Monies provided by private donations and legacies enabled the shelter to expand from the original half-acre of land to six acres, which included the Sheltervale Pet Cemetery. During WWII, Little Shelter was the authorized unit of the Red Star Animal Relief, providing assistance in times of war or disaster.
Operating as a “no-kill” facility since 1990, Little Shelter provides comprehensive care for hundreds of dogs, cats, puppies and kittens at any given time. The staff and volunteers prepare the animals for adoption through socialization, behavioral evaluation, and training. Pending adoptions then undergo extensive screening and follow-up processes to ensure that every cat or dog is placed into a loving home. Little Shelter has a strict policy that all animals are spayed or neutered before or soon after leaving the shelter as to not add to the pressing problem of pet overpopulation. In addition, we encourage the community to participate in this initiative by offering low cost spay/neuter certificates from participating veterinarians.
Little Shelter’s feral cat program has been instrumental in preventing thousands of new litters of homeless kittens, effectively controlling the feral cat population in targeted areas of Long Island. Through humane trapping, the cats are brought to the vet for testing, vaccinations, and spay/neuter surgery. They are then released back into the colony wherever there is a stable feeding source.
Recognizing how vital it is to give back to the Huntington residents and beyond, Little Shelter has developed several outreach programs, including Pet Therapy, Humane Education, the Reading Assistance Program, Pets for Vets, and the Animal Soup Kitchen just to name a few. Fulfilling the promise that originated with Mrs Hunninghouse, Little Shelter has indeed become “a refuge for homeless animals that will be a credit to the community.”
From its humble beginnings, Little Shelter now rescues both internationally and locally via the Passage to Freedom Program, changing even more precious lives. While still occupying the original land, Little Shelter has expanded outward to include assuming the operations of the Town of Huntington Cat Shelter as well as developing a beautiful, tranquil Sanctuary in upstate New York. Set on 110 acres, the Sanctuary provides a peaceful atmosphere for overlooked dogs, giving them much needed space while celebrating their lives.
We are proud of our past, and like Anna Hunninghouse, have hope and vision for our future. With your ongoing generous support, we can continue our mission to rescue, adopt, and transform the lives of animals in need.
“Saving one dog or cat will not change the world, but surely for that one dog or cat, the world will change forever.”
Let’s change the world together!
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE VISIT https://www.littleshelter.org/
The Long Island Hospitality Ball is a premiere Long Island culinary, wine, and spirits event featuring many of the top Long Island & Metropolitan restaurants and premier beverage companies benefiting the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. Guests enjoyed a walk around tasting experience where they can sample mouthwatering dishes, taste premium wines and spirits, and enjoyed the sights and sounds of an evening filled with music and entertainment as well as an exciting raffle featuring a wide array of prizes.

Heather and Honoree Keith Hart

The 2022 Long Island Hospitality Ball is the
10th LIHB! The the event is hosted annually by the Long Island Hospitality Ball volunteer committee which in the past has raised over $3.5 Million to support the fight against cancer. We are proud to share our own Keith Hart was an honoree at this year's event!
he 10th Long Island Hospitality Ball took place on Monday, June 27, 2022, at the Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY
We are proud to announce the 2022 Long Island Hospitality Ball Honorees for their achievements in the Industry:
Greg Clement – VP, Commercial Operations New York State, Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits
Keith Hart, President, Hart Agency/Chairman, Long Island Hospitality Ball
Ed Lowe Media Award: Carol Silva – Emmy Award-Winning Journalist News 12
The gala was created by Keith Hart, a hospitality industry mainstay and cancer survivor, to raise funds for charity by showcasing offerings from the region’s top restaurants, wine & spirit brands, nightclubs & entertainers as well as hotels & catering halls.
Keith Hart is best known for his eponymous marketing agency in New York’s nightlife and entertainment scene. Hart’s private battle with thyroid cancer, now in remission, inspired him to go public with his mission rallying the industry to join the fight against cancer through an extraordinary evening of dining, dancing and donating.
Newsday’s Jim Bernstein and Erica Marcus called the inaugural event “one of the largest fundraising events in years to raise money to battle cancer” and “a food-industry showcase.” The night of sensory delights continues to raise important and much needed funds in the fight against cancer.
The 2019LIHB took place on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY raised over $400,000 to support awareness and an eventual cure. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 Long Island Hospitality Ball, benefiting the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund hosted by the Baldwin Family.
We are grateful to our Executive Committee Members for all of their tireless work in helping to make the Long Island Hospitality Ball a huge success.
Executive Committee Members:
Keith Hart, Chairman
Billy Wolfe
Brian Rosenberg
Frank Minier
George Voutsinas
Greg Bartolotta
Jay Grossman
Larry Golus
Michael Esposito
Nick Paccione
Richard Rubenstein
About the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
The Baldwin family firmly believes that the key to finding a cure for breast cancer can be found by providing the funding necessary to allow researchers to learn more about this disease.
To date, there have been many significant advances in the methods of detection and treatments for breast cancer, yet many women continue to lose their battle for life every year as they succumb to the devastating effects of this disease. Our mission is to find a cure – nothing less.
The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund is committed to battling breast cancer by supporting both new and established researchers. To date, the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund has awarded more than 75 research grants totaling more than $5 million to medical research.
Keep reading Cognac's Corner Magazine for the very best in red carpet events.
Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane
12Th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball
TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews at 12Th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Executive Director David Ceely at 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball
TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Illusionist Seth Kramer at 12th Annual Masquerade Fundraising Gala
TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Evelyn Vollgraff President of Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society at the 12th Annual Littlel Shelter's Annual Masquerade Ball.
Laura Petrocelli poses for a photo-op with TV Host Cognac Wellerlane at 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op with President Maryann Chernovsky at 12th Annual Masquerade Fundraising Gala
Honoree Marie Fristachi from Bloomingdales poses for a photo-op with Executive Director David Ceely at the 12th Annual Little Shelter Annual Masquerade Ball for Most Supportive Corporation
President Maryann Chernovsky poses for a photo-op with Honoree Joe DeJesu with the Presidents Award at the 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball.
Winners of the Best Costume 1st Place and 2nd Place at the 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op with Tito Colon at the 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op at the 12th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball
Little Shelter Animal Rescue hosted its biggest, most elegant, fundraiser of the year at the Westbury Manor in Westbury NY on Thursday, October 17th starting at 6pm. The event was sponsored by Ferrari of Long Island, Bloomingdales, TD Bank and several other major sponsors, which featured exclusive raffle prizes, such as a get-away at Oheka Castle and a Maserati for the weekend. The 12th annual gala started with a champagne welcome before the night of dining, dancing and fundraising began.
"This year the event is more important than ever for the animals" says David Ceely, Little Shelter's executive Director, "We've taken on a lot this year, such as several disaster relief efforts, hoarding situations and special-needs medical cases, all in addition to now running a second shelter, The Huntington Cat Shelter. The funds raised from this event will go to offset the costs of the many rescue efforts Little Shelter has initiated this year and will go directly to the care of those animals currently at Little Shelter and the Huntington Cat Shelter. It also helps Little shelter run several programs that benefit the people and animals in the community. Each year at this event we get the opportunity to recognize a handful of our special supporters with awards, they're all special" said Ceely "and that's why we are so happy that this event grows in popularity each year, our supporters afford us the ability to do more and more for the animals."
Honorees included:
Marie Fristachi from Bloomingdales for Most Supportive Corporation.
Marie Mones Most Supportive Long Island Business.
Joe De Jesu for the President's Award
About Little Shelter
Little Shelter was established over 90 years ago and is Suffolk County's oldest Humane Society. Little Shelter is a private no-kill 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing homeless animals facing euthanasia in municipal shelters or certain death on the streets across the globe. Little Shelter is also the funding and managing organization for the town of Huntington Cat Shelter. Little Shelter runs an exclusive animal sanctuary in upstate New York for overlooked dogs and provides the community with many enriching give-back programs. www.littleshelter.org
Keep reading Cognac's Corner for the very best in Benefit Balls and Charity Galas.
Pink Champage Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Honorees David C. Drucker, Executive Vice President, Sales, Empire Merchants and
John Murray, Jr., Owner Mulcahy’s Pub & Concert Hall
TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Daniel Baldwin Carol Baldwin Cancer Research Foundation.
Sal Valentinetti performs at The 2019 Long Island Hospitality Ball Photo by Alex Wolff

Co-Founder of Pink Tie Rich Cave and his wife Joanne Winkhart Cave pose for a photo-op at the 9th Annual Hospitality Ball
Artist Asia Lee poses for a photo -op at the 9th Annual Hospitality Ball
Performers Entertain at the 9th Annual Hospitality Ball.
Photos by Alex Wolff

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op at The 9th Annual Long Island Hospitality Ball at the
Crest Hollow Country Club
The 2019 Long Island Hospitality Ball took place on Monday, June 24, 2019 at the Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY.
The organization is proud to announce the 2019 Long Island Hospitality Ball Honorees for their achievements in the Industry:
David C. Drucker, Executive Vice President, Sales, Empire Merchants
John Murray, Jr., Owner Mulcahy’s Pub & Concert Hall
Ed Lowe Media Award: Richard Scholem, Restaurant Consultant & Critic; former NY Times Restaurant Critic
The Long Island Hospitality Ball is a premiere Long Island culinary, wine and spirits event featuring many of the top Long Island restaurants and premier beverage companies benefitting the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. Guests enjoy a walk around tasting experience where they can sample mouthwatering dishes, taste premium wines and spirits, and enjoy the sights and sounds of an evening filled with music and entertainment as well as an exciting raffle featuring a wide array of prizes. The event is hosted annually by the Long Island Hospitality Ball volunteer committee which in the past has raised over $1.8 Million to support the fight against cancer.
The gala was created by Keith Hart, a hospitality industry mainstay and cancer survivor, to raise funds for charity by showcasing offerings from the region’s top restaurants, wine & spirit brands, nightclubs & entertainers as well as hotels & catering halls.
Keith Hart is best known for his eponymous marketing agency in New York’s nightlife and entertainment scene. Hart’s private battle with thyroid cancer, now in remission, inspired him to go public with his mission rallying the industry to join the fight against cancer through an extraordinary evening of dining, dancing and donating.
Newsday’s Jim Bernstein and Erica Marcus called the inaugural event “one of the largest fundraising events in years to raise money to battle cancer” and “a food-industry showcase.” The night of sensory delights continues to raise important and much needed funds in the fight against cancer.
The 2018LIHB took place on Monday, June 25, 2018 at the Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY and raised $411,601 to support awareness and an eventual cure. Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball, benefiting the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund hosted by the Baldwin Family.
All that participated are grateful to their Executive Committee Members for all of their tireless work in helping to make the Long Island Hospitality Ball a huge success.
Executive Committee Members:
Keith Hart, Chairman
Billy Wolfe
Brian Rosenberg
Dante Paganini
Frank Minier
George Voutsinas
Greg Bartolotta
Jay Grossman
Larry Golus
Michael Esposito
Nick Paccione
Richard Bedrosian
Richard Rubenstein
Thomas Wright
About the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund
The Baldwin family firmly believes that the key to finding a cure for breast cancer can be found by providing the funding necessary to allow researchers to learn more about this disease.
To date, there have been many significant advances in the methods of detection and treatments for breast cancer, yet many women continue to lose their battle for life every year as they succumb to the devastating effects of this disease. Our mission is to find a cure – nothing less.
The Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund is committed to battling breast cancer by supporting both new and established researchers. To date, the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund has awarded more than 72 research grants totaling in excess of $4 million to medical research.
For more information please visit http://longislandhospitalityball.org
Keep reading Cognac's Corner Magazine for the very best in red carpet events in Long Island Manhattan and the Hamptons.
Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane
French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel

Elizabeth Stribling, Denis de Kergolay_Credit Annie Watt.jpg _
Michel Longchampt, Odile De Schiétère-Longcham…it Annie Watt.jpg
Sharon Bush, Victor dE Souza_Credit Annie Watt.jpg
Bettina Bennett_Credit Annie Watt.jpg

Chair Jean Shafiroff, Designer Victor deSouza, Cognac Wellerlane and Debra Rotherg pose for a photo-op pose for a photo-op at
French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel
at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night at The Plaza Hotel pose for a photo-op at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel

Silvina Leone, Jean Shafiroff, Elizabeth Stribling, Ann Van Ness, Odile De Schiétère-Longchampt, CeCe Black pose for a photo-op at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel Photo Credit Annie Watt

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Elizabeth F. Stribling Chairman of The Board at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Anthoula Katsimatides at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Publisherof Frenchmorning.com Romain Poirot at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op at French Heritage Society’s Black and Orange Ball On Halloween Night
at The Plaza Hotel
On Halloween Night October 31st, French Heritage Society (FHS) held its Annual New York Gala Dinner Dance at The Plaza Hotel. This year, the exquisite, much anticipated affair was festively themed The Black and Orange Ball, and black-tie clad guests wore elegant masks, disguises, and colorful accents for a
very spooky, howling, Masquerade Ball!
The evening honored French luxury lifestyle brand LALIQUE and its founder René Lalique. It was organized under the gracious patronage of His Excellency Gérard Araud, Ambassador of France to the United States, His Excellency François Delattre, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, and Mrs. Sophie L’Hélias-Delattre, Ms. Anne-Claire Legendre, Consul General of France in New York, and Mrs. Bénédicte de Montlaur, Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy in the United States.
The Gala Chairmen were CeCe Black, Silvina Leone, Liz McDermott, Jay R. Paul, Jean Shafiroff, and Ann Van Ness. The New York Chapter Chairs are Guy N. Robinson and Odile de Schiétère-Longchampt, who also served as the Design Consultant. The Board of Directors includes Elizabeth F. Stribling, Chairman of the Board, Denis de Kergorlay, President, David M. Gray, Treasurer, and Jennifer Herlein, Executive Director.
A cocktail reception commenced with singer and performer Lenny Hoops providing the music and entertainment before guests sat for dinner. Attendees raised their glasses as Chairman of the Board, Elizabeth F. Stribling and Denis de Kergorlay welcomed guests, and CeCe Black thanked her fellow Gala Chairs.
The events wine consultant and emcee, George Sape then introduced a short video about LALIQUE before Elizabeth F. Stribling and Denis de Kergorlay presented a trophy to the LALIQUE team, which was accepted by Sarah Gargano on behalf of the brand. Celebrating their 130th anniversary in 2018, LALIQUE is internationally recognized as the ultimate symbol of French luxury.
A short dancing break set to the music of the Alex Donner Orchestra before Nicholas Dawes, Vice President, Heritage Auctions, the country’s leading expert on René Lalique, began the live auction.
Supporters were given the opportunity to bid on four lots that included Living LALIQUE - an exclusive cocktail party for up to 10 guests in an elegant space designed by LALIQUE, which served so popular a second party was provided with both selling at $4,500. A lavish travel package to Discover the Parisian Art-de-Vivre was sold for $6,500, dinner for four at Skybox at Daniel accompanied by superlative wines was placed for $3,500, and a stay at La Mamounia, the legendary 5-star palace hotel in Marrakesh, Morocco, resulted in a bidding war before being placed with the winner for $6,000.
A short video about the FHS Student Exchange Program, was then screened before Naomi Jabouin, FHS Student Exchange Program Alum, made brief remarks to express her gratitude for the program. The auctioneer then collected for the bids for the Student Exchange Program, before dessert was served and dancing resumed.
About French Heritage Society
French Heritage Society was founded in 1982 as a two-way street for Americans and French to share their love of historic architecture. French Heritage Society intervenes to ensure that the treasures of our shared French architectural and cultural heritage survive to inspire future generations to build, dream and create. FHS has contributed to over 580 restoration grants and helped secure $21.2 million dollars, including matching dollars, for historic monuments, buildings and gardens in every department in France and to properties in the United States that reflect France’s historic influence. There are 11 Chapters of the Society throughout the United States and Paris.
For the very best in red carpet events in Manhattan, Long Island and the Hamptons please visit Cognac's Corner Magazine.
Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane
Little Shelter Supporters Get Their Ghoul On To Help Homeless Animals At The 11th Annual Masquerade Ball

TV Host/Entertainment Journalist poses for photo-op with Alex Huenke and Sara Ann Fingerman at the 11th Little Shelter Masquerade Ball
TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op with Executive Director David Ceely at the 11th Little Shelter Annual Masquerade Ball at the Westbury Manor in Long Island, NY

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op with Tito Colon at the 11th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball at the Westbury Manor

TV Host/Entertainment Journalist Cognac Wellerlane poses with a scary Barbie JoAnn Winkhart as Cat Woman at Little Shelter Rescue’s Center 11th Annual Masquerade Ball at Westbury Manor

Lauren Scala from NBC’s New York Live is presented with an award from Executive Director David Ceely at the 11th Annual Little Shelter Masquerade Ball
Supporters got their ghoul on during Little Shelter’s 11th Annual Masquerade Ball held at the prestigious Westbury Manor. On Thursday, October 18th friends and supporters of homeless dogs and cats on Long Island conjured together for an enchanted evening of fun as the well anticipated charity ball hosted by Little Shelter returns. Sponsored by Macy’s, Bloomingdales and TD Bank, the Masquerade Ball is one of Little Shelter’s largest fundraisers of the year and all proceeds from the event will go directly to benefiting the animals of Little Shelter.
The evening startedwith a cocktail hour at 6 pm and continued through the late evening with festivities like an open dance floor, live DJ, exquisite dinner, raffle, silent auction and more. Attendees were encouraged to come in costume and participate in the costume contest and other evening activities. Special guests Lauren Scala from NBC’s New York Live, among others was commended for their outstanding contribution to the cause of helping homeless animals during the award ceremony.
Outside the entertainment of the dance floor, guest were welcomed to peruse hundreds of baskets filled with amazing items that will be raffled off at the close of the evening. “This unique fundraiser is so much fun for everyone who attends. People always love this event and come back year after year to help the animals while partying the night away.” Commented Little Shelter’s Volunteer President Maryann Chernovsky.
You can contact Little Shelter at 631-368-8770 ex. 26 for more details or visit the website at www.littleshelter.com
About Little Shelter Animal Rescue & Adoption Center
Suffolk County's first Humane Society, is dedicated to saving all companion animals whose lives are in jeopardy. Through rescue from kill facilities, rehabilitation of sick and un-socialized pets, and a 100% spay/neuter program, Little Shelter hopes to end pet overpopulation and place all dogs and cats in loving homes. Located in Huntington, NY. Little Shelter is also a part of the Mayor's Alliance for NYC Animals.
Keep reading Cognac's Corner Magazine for the very best in red carpet events in Long Island Manhattan and the Hamptons.
Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane
2018 8th Annual Long Island Hospitality Ball

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Richard and Kathy Wakile from the Real Housewives of New Jersey at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Soprano Actor Joseph R. Gannascoli at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op with Actress Rachel Grant at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane interviews Beauty Pageant Winners Jane Rubinstein and C.J. Marie at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York

TV Host Cognac Wellelane interviews supporters Teresa Steinberg and Jennifer Ravell from Ravell Salon at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York

TV Host Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op at the 8th Annual 2018 Long Island Hospitality Ball at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York
Alec Baldwin and the entire Baldwin family are joining forces with The Long Island Hospitality Ball to fight breast cancer. The eighth-annual charity gala and benefit ball took place on June 25th!
The event at the Crest Hollow Country Club benefitted the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. The goal: top 2017's more than $400,000 in donations for research aimed at fighting and beating the disease. Ninety percent of all donations to the fund go directly to research.
The Long Island Hospitality Ball is a premiere Long Island culinary, wine and spirits event featuring many of the top Long Island restaurants and premier beverage companies benefiting the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund. Guests enjoy a walk around tasting experience where they can sample mouthwatering dishes, taste premium wines and spirits, and enjoy the sights and sounds of an evening filled with music and entertainment as well as an exciting raffle featuring a wide array of prizes. Now in its 8th year, the event is hosted annually by the Long Island Hospitality Ball volunteer committee which in the past has raised over $1.8 Million to support the fight against cancer.
The LIHB was founded in 2011 by Keith Hart and the LIHB Board of Directors. Mr. Hart is a hospitality industry guru and cancer survivor. His personal battle with cancer is now in remission and has inspired him to rally the industry to join the fight against cancer. Long Island's top cover bands and entertainers, including Christian Guardino the 2017 Golden Buzzer Winner from "America's Got Talent", and DJ's perform throughout the property and throughout the evening. Many celebrities and sports stars are expected to attend including the Baldwin family. This event is indoor/outdoor and is rain or shine.
Carol M. Baldwin is not only the founder, she is a Breast Cancer Survivor. The Baldwin family firmly believes that the key to finding a cure for Breast Cancer is by providing the funding necessary to allow researchers to learn more about this disease. There have been many significant advances in the methods of detection and treatments for breast cancer, yet many women continue to lose their battle every year as they succumb to the devastating effects of this disease. Our mission is to find a cure - nothing less.
The fund has awarded close to 100 research grants, totaling in excess of $5 million for medical research.
For more information how you can donate, participate and contribute please visit www.findacure.org
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Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane
Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball

Honoree for Cardiovascular Science Honoree Heart Disease Intervention in Fire Services Award, MC Keith Fingers, Co-Chair Renee Pope, Honorees Dr. Kimon Bekelis, Dr. Jorge L. Gardyn and Co-Chair Todd Fabricant pose for a photo-opo at the Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the Garden City Hotel,
Garden City , NY

Co-Chair Renee Pope and Honoree Dr. Kimon Bekelis pose for a photo-op at the Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY

Co-Chairs Renee Pope and Todd Fabricant pose for a photo-op with Honorees Dr. Kimon Bekelis, Dr. Jorge L. Gardyn at the Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY

Honoree for Cardiovascular Science Honoree Heart Disease Intervention in Fire Services Award pose for a photo-op at the Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY

Honorees Dr. Kimon Bekelis and Dr. Jorge L. Gardyn pose for a photo-op at The Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY

TV Host and Entertainment Journalist Cognac Wellerlane poses for a photo-op at the Long Island Heart and Stroke Ball at the
Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY
American Heart Association’s 55th Annual American Heart Association
Long Island Heart & Stroke Ball
Supporters and Guests Rocked on Thursday, April 26th
The American Heart Association’s Long Island Annual Heart & Stroke Ball celebrated its 55th year on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at the Garden City Hotel with a Rock n Roll theme. The Long Island Heart & Stroke Ball is an annual social event held to celebrate outstanding accomplishments of individuals and companies in the area of cardiovascular science and leadership in wellness.
This year’s eventwas co-chaired by Todd Fabricant, CEO, Todd Mitchell Associates and Renee Pope, Executive Director, KPMG, LLP. The 55th Annual Heart Ball.
The Benefit Ball honored Kimon Bekelis, MD, Catholic Health Services of Long Island who received the Neurological Science Honoree Stroke & Brain Aneurysm Award and Jorge L. Gardyn, MD, F.A.C.P, Island Occupational Medical Resources P.C. who received the Cardiovascular Science Honoree Heart Disease Intervention in Fire Services Award. This year’s event emcee was WBAB Afternoon Drive host Fingers.
The American Heart Association promises that they will have an extraordinary impact on your life by empowering you and your loved ones to save lives, live healthier and enjoy more peace of mind about cardiovascular disease. Their goal by 2020 is to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20%, while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20%. Why? Life is Why!
The Heart & Stroke Ball received 500 attendees from the Long Island medical and corporate community. The evening included dinner, dancing and a silent auction offering an exciting assortment of generously donated items. This year’s Heart & Stroke Ball Sponsors include: The Jade Foundation, Castagna Realty-Americana Manhasset, Leviton, KPMG, NYU Winthrop Hospital, Catholic Health Services, Berdon LLP, AVZ, Cardiovascular Medical Associates, Carter, DeLuca Farrell &, Schmidt, LLP, Sterling National Bank, Long Island Neurological & Pain Specialists, Nassau Community College, Ruskin Moscou Faltischek, P.C., Todd Mitchell Associates, WBAB-FM 102.3 and WBLI-FM 106.1 & Anton Media Group.
Tickets were $600. Cocktail Hour started at 6:00 p.m. followed by the program, dinner and dancing at 7:00 pm. This year’s music was provided by Dane Wright Band. For more information, tickets for the Heart of the Hamptons Ball in June or for sponsorship opportunities, visit longislandheartball.heart.org or call 516-962-0802.
More about The Honorees:
Dr. Bekelis is a neurosurgeon with subspecialty training in minimally invasive endovascular neurosurgery. He additionally specializes in Gamma Knife Radiosurgery, and complex brain, and spine operations. He is the Chairman of Neuro-interventional Services for Catholic Health Services of Long Island, the Director of the Stroke and Brain Aneurysm Center of Excellence at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center and the co-director of the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at GSHMC. He is also an Assistant Professor at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice and the Director of the Population Health Research Institute of New York at CHSLI. As a researcher, he has led several projects focusing on outcome predictive modeling, comparative effectiveness, resource utilization, regional disparities, diffusion of innovation, intensity of care, workforce allocation, medico-legal issues, and cost.
Dr. Jorge Gardyn is an internist in Amityville, New York and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including NYU Winthrop Hospital and Nassau University Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Gardyn accepts several types of health insurance, listed below. He is one of 182 doctors at NYU Winthrop Hospital and one of 74 at Nassau University Medical Center who specialize in Internal Medicine. He also speaks multiple languages, including Spanish.
Keep reading Cognac's Corner Magazine for the very best in Red Carpet Events in Manhattan,
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Pink Champagne Kisses
Cognac Wellerlane